Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hola Fashion Bloggers!

If any of you still drop by my blog even though I haven't posted anything new in ages, just wanted to say that I might start blogging again. I'm sorry if I haven't been updating it since I was just so busy these past few months. A lot has changed and as you can see, I just changed my template again. A once was girly-themed-blog to a simpler one, haven't changed my banner though coz I still have to think of a new one. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and hope that you will still read my blog when I post something new. In the meantime... I will just post a picture of how I look like now since New Year...

Mehhh! I'm kidding! That's just my cousin's wig. I'm actually trying to make my hair grow longer now since I want to try and experiment on curling it! Although, I do have red highlights now, which you'll probably see when I start posting "outfit posts" again. But here's a little preview...

Hugs & kisses
- Jasmin

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